Scientific Council of Users (CSU)

Scientific Council of Users (CSU)

The CSU is an advisory body formed around the DUE by its scientific supervising bodies. It relies on top-down and bottom-up exchanges of information to support and enlighten the DUE in their short-term (1 year) and medium-term (1‐2 years) managerial exercise, by issuing opinions and recommendations.

The CSU objectives

  1. Advise on internal management of the Experimental Facility
  2. Support the Experimental Facility in its contacts with its scientific, technical or development partners
  3. Reflect on strategic developments for the Experimental Facility

Depending on the circumstances or situations, one of the three objectives can be favored during a CSU.

Potential items of information or discussion

Human resources - Finances - Infrastructures - Equipment – Current situation and perspectives / institutional policies

CSU leader: Laurent DELIERE

Ex officio members

Head of the AgroEcoSystem department or his representative: Thomas NESME
Head of the BAP department or his representative: Isabelle LITRICO
Head of the SPE department or his representative: Mylène OGLIASTRO
President of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Centre: Jean-Philippe NABOT
CNUE representative: Dominique FORGET
Experimental Facility Director: Frédéric GAUILLARD

 Appointed members

Expert in system approaches in arboriculture: Vincent MERCIER (UERI Gotheron)
Expert in system approaches in market gardening: Amélie LEFEVRE (UE on Agroecological Market Gardening Systems)
Expert in genetics of fruit trees: José QUERO-GARCIA (UMR BFP)
Expert in genetics of market garden crops: Jérôme VERDIER (UMR IRHS)
Link with agricultural education: Patricia JOLY-BAILLY from Lycée François Pétrarque in Avignon
Representatives of the UMR partners of A2M:
- Permanent guest members
A2M team leaders