
Our partners

Generic projects between A2M and partner research units


GAFL: Adaptation of horticultural and fruit tree varieties to new practices and global changes

- Genetic architecture of traits of agronomic interest and molecular mechanisms: (i) enable reliable and precise measurements for quantitative traits, (ii) ensure the quality of experimental set-ups to minimize missing data and undesirable heterogeneities, (iii) mobilize innovative phenotyping tools.
- Focus on plant immunity to cope with health emergencies: being able to control inoculations
- Integration of various traits in ideotypes adapted to the needs of the sector, multi-trait and multi-environment modeling: acquisition of environmental data


PSH: Horticultural Plants and Cropping Systems

The unit is structured around 3 axes:

- Plant growth and development, quality and plant defense under (a)biotic constraints: acquisition of knowledge in response to constraints, integration of plant response into models, from the organ to the whole plant scale.
- Design and evaluation of innovative cropping systems: system-type trials
- Conservation biological control: companion plants