Experimental sites

Our experimental sites

Sites Amarine et Avignon

The geographical location of the Mediterranean Fruit and Vegetables Experimental Facility (UE A2M) is strategic, in the heart of the production basin for Mediterranean-climate horticultural crops and at the forefront of climate change.


The A2M Experimental Facility encompasses agricultural lands from different areas and experimental infrastructures from several sites:


A site in Bellegarde :  the Amarine estate

Parcellaire 2022

Located in the Gard department, 45 km from Avignon, conducts open field experiments with 79 acres UAA including 30 acres of orchards with a collection of fruit species and 17 acres of woods.





A site in Avignon : The Saint-Maurice and Saint-Paul estates

Site Avignon

The site of Avignon encompasses 2 estates in the Vaucluse department,

  • 49 acres UAA including 7 acres of orchards and market gardening, 10 acres of field crops and 7 acres of herbaceous and flowery diversity.
  • 28 tunnels potentially occupying 8000 m²
  • 5300 m² of greenhouses including 1000 m² of S2 containment greenhouse (GMOs and quarantine organisms)
  • 30 Phytotrons/growth chambers, including 80 m² of C2 containment level


Site St Paul

Saint-Maurice estate



Site St Maurice



Saint-Paul estate






Infrastructures under controlled conditions : greenhouses, tunnels and air-conditioned growth chambers

Infrastructure serre contrôlée 2







Field infrastructures : Garrigues estate, Saint-Paul orchads, connected orchad

Sites expérimentaux 3

Field experiments aim (1) at the conservation of biological resources, (2) at system trials in arboriculture, (3) at studying the expression of genetic diversity in natural conditions.

Sites expérimentaux 2

See also